All Invited to Soulnic in Griffith Park
Soulnic is an annual free, family and community oriented, outdoor music festival and picnic featuring DJs playing soulful dance music. It serves as a platform to inspire the spirit of charitable giving in a way that benefits creativity in our youth. Come to Griffith Park to the Crystal Springs Picnic Area on June 29, 2013 from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Visit extramildsauce.com for more information.
Tour LaBonge Continues in Toluca Lake on July 10
All constituents, near or far, are invited to participate in the last two stages of Councilmember Tom LaBonge’s summer bike ride series, which will take place July 10 in Toluca Lake and July 17 in Hollywood. On July 10, meet at Councilmember LaBonge’s Valley Field Office at 10116 Riverside Dr. On July 17, meet at Councilmember LaBonge’s Hollywood Field Office at 6501 Fountain Ave.
Police will provide traffic control. All riders must be at least 12 years of age, wear helmets, sign waivers, and leave pets at home. See you in two weeks!
Emergency Sewer Work to Take Place on Los Feliz Boulevard
Emergency sewer work began Wednesday, June 26, and will continue through next week on Los Feliz Boulevard at Griffith Park Boulevard. Crews will repair 70 feet of sewer pipe line. Work hours will be weekdays only from 7 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. No work will take place on the weekend. Currently, LADWP infrastructure improvements on Los Feliz Boulevard from Vermont Avenue to Edgemont Street are also underway. Please be patient with traffic, drive carefully, stay alert, and know that your tax dollars are hard at work in Los Feliz.
West Nile Virus Found in San Fernando Valley
West Nile virus has been discovered in the 91401 and 91607 zip codes in the San Fernando Valley, as the summer season is now here. The Greater Los Angeles County Vector Control District reminds residents to Dump/Drain standing water on your property where mosquitoes may breed, avoid outdoor activities when mosquitoes are most active at Dusk/Dawn, and wear long pants and long-sleeved shirts and apply insect repellent to defend against bites.
Pet Safety in Extreme Heat
According to composer George Gershwin, summertime means “the livin’ is easy; fish are jumpin’, and the cotton is high.” This special season can also mean we need to protect our companion animals from extreme heat. Keep in mind that when it is hot for you, it is even hotter for them. Dogs and cats do not sweat through their skin. They cool themselves by panting or rapid breathing, which means animals must work hard to stay cool. Too much heat can be extremely dangerous or even fatal. If your best friend has a shorter nose, like Persian cats and bulldogs, he is more susceptible to heatstroke than breeds with longer noses. If your dog or cat begins very rapid, noisy breathing, has trouble swallowing, and looks very distressed, she could be having a heatstroke. Heatstroke is an emergency. Get the animal out of the heat. Apply cold, wet towels to the back of the head. Place cold packs wrapped in towels or plain wet towels between the back legs and on the belly. Cool off your furry friend and then take her to the vet immediately. The best plan is to keep your dog and cat protected from the summer heat. Companion animals want to be with you. They will be safer and cooler inside with you, where they can spend their time doing what they do best: being your best friend!

Councilmember Tom LaBonge at City Hall.
Toluca Woods 4th of July Parade & Popsicle Celebration
It’s time to pull out your patriotic spirit and your pocket change (or checkbooks!), and join in the 12th Annual Jon & Wendy Toluca Woods 4th of July Parade and Popsicle Celebration. The event features an All American Bake Sale with goodies baked by Toluca Woods residents. All funds raised will go to benefit the Ronald McDonald House of Los Angeles.
The fun begins with the All American Bake Sale at 9:45 a.m. in front of Jon and Wendy’s house. The Parade will start promptly at 10:15 a.m. As always, Fire Station 86 will be there to kick off the parade, and Popsicles will be provided to everyone at its conclusion!
Over the years, local Toluca Woods residents have used this event to raise thousands of dollars for local nonprofits. In addition to baked goods, parade organizers will be collecting toiletries for Family Promise, and Diapers & Wipes for young Marine families based out of Camp Pendleton.
Jon & Wendy’s House
4930 Arcola Ave. (3 blks East of Cahuenga,
1.5 blks North of Camarillo)
Thursday, July 4
All American Bake Sale, 9:45 a.m.
Parade, 10:15 a.m.
Downtown Grand Park’s First-Ever 4th of July Block Party
Grand Park’s 4th of July Block Party offers Angelenos a new way to experience downtown and celebrate the Fourth. A highly dynamic and creative use of light, projections, and pyrotechnics will literally light up downtown Los Angeles. This much anticipated free event, hosted by DJ Anthony Valadez of KCRW, will transform Grand Park into a celebration of the global nature of the community with world music performances from such Los Angeles-based artists as Ethio Cali and Jungle Fire. Park visitors will enjoy picnics and food trucks.
Grand Park
200 N. Grand Ave., between Grand Avenue
and Spring Street
Thursday, July 4, All Day, music begins at 3 p.m., light show spectacle begins at 9 p.m.
For further information, visit grandparkla.org or call .