“The Stars of BeatleMania!” Performing As If the Beatles Were All Together Now to Delight Their Fans

“The Stars of BeatleMania!” From l, Mitch Weissman as Paul, David Brighton as George, Mike Sarafian as Ringo, and David Leon as John.
“The Stars of BeatleMania!” playing at NoHo’s El Portal Theatre is the ultimate experience for Beatles fans who would love to see them all together now. The unique new show poses the question— What if the Beatles reunited today? It gives the audience the intimate experience of attending a jam session with John, Paul, George, and Ringo for the first half of the show. It’s followed by a cozy concert by the lads at the Cavern club in Liverpool, as if they just gathered for a little reunion gig.
The uplifting show has a powerful start, with clips that build to the fateful announcement that John Lennon has been shot. Then you are asked to imagine that it never happened. As if a dream has started, the charismatic David Leon takes the stage as Lennon singing “Imagine.” It is eerie, but becomes joyful when he is joined by Paul (Mitch Weissman), George (David Brighton), and Ringo (Mike Sarafina). All of them capture the spirit of the Beatles as they would look and act today, a little older than we remember, mellow and having fun going through their repertoire, singing and joking with each other.

David Leon as John in
“The Stars of BeatleMania!”
Great musicians and singers, Leon, Weissman, Brighton, and Sarafina, make the magic happen again. The Beatles come alive with everything from “She Loves You,” “Yesterday,” and a rocking “Eight Days A Week.” More than 20 hits, plus a sing-along to “Hey Jude” at the Cavern.
“The Stars of BeatleMania!” makes us believe that something like this could have happened. Now see it at the El Portal’s Monroe Forum, playing Thurs., Fri., and Sat. at 8 p.m., and Sat. and Sun. at 3 p.m. Call for tickets , or online elportaltheatre.com.