How to Get More Out of Your Life
By Rev. Pam
Do you desire greater physical health, financial freedom, peace of mind, more self-confidence, and more meaningful and authentic relationships? You can have all of those things and even more. However, some of your old beliefs, negative attitudes, and worn out thought patterns will need to change. You will have to put an end to your long-term relationship with self-condemnation. No matter how committed you have been, you will now need to say good-bye and put an end to this abusive relationship that you have been enabling for way too long. Don’t fret, the pain is short-lived because, before you know it, you will meet up with self-acceptance and maybe even with self-love. Then, you will begin to enjoy a long and happy courtship with self-respect. Before you know it, you will be in a healthy, harmonious, and blissful relationship with your authentic self. You will discover a Self filled with love, magnificence, and over-flowing happiness, where all is well in your world.
How do you get there? First, you have to be willing to change your way of thinking about yourself. The SOMSC-LA offers a teaching and a practice that includes the whole life. It is a practical way of living, applicable to our daily experiences. The value lies in how we use it in both our inner and outer expressions of self, and how our positive expressions can be a specific good for other people, as well.
Join us every Sunday morning at 11 a.m. at The Colony Theatre located at 555 N. Third St. in Burbank.