M.O.I.S.T! Whets Appetites of Waning Sex Lives

(L-R): Mariann Aalda as ‘The Little Woman Gone Wild’ and Iona Morris as ‘The Love Goddess of Sexual Freedom’ in the sex-istential comedy “M.O.I.S.T.!”
The “make love not war” generation reclaims its vibrancy, vitality and sexual viability in the sex-istential comedy “M.O.I.S.T!” (an acro-nym for the Multiple Orgasm Initiative for Sexual Transformation), playing at the Hayworth Theatre.
Directed by Penny Johnson Jerald, with musical direction by Munyungo Jackson, “M.O.I.S.T!” was written by Mariann Aalda and Iona Morris to assuage the angst of baby-boomers terrified of losing their sexual mojo along with their youth. As “Vagina Monologues” became an agent for social change with its politicization of female genitalia and menopause, the musical became a theatrical juggernaut by decrying hot flashes and mid-life loss of libido, “M.O.I.S.T!” looks to evangelize the mature woman’s inalienable right to bringing her sexy back.
Having led very different lives, contentedly single Sonia Peechee (Morris) and her recovering empty-nester sister, Ginger Peechee-Keane (Aalda), have zealously joined forces at mid-life to become the Tony Robbinses of mature sexuality with their M.O.I.S.T! motivational workshops. As pseudo-attendees at an evening orientation, the audience is treated to a tell-all of the sexual adventures, mishaps and discoveries that led the sisters to founding M.O.I.S.T! as an empowerment to women in-full-bloom taking responsibility for their own sexual pleasure and as an encouragement to men in how they might be of assistance.
“M.O.I.S.T.!” plays Sunday, January 24 and 31, and February 7, 14, 21 and 28, at 7 pm, at the Hayworth Theatre (2511 Wilshire Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90057). Tickets are $25 with discounts for groups of 10 or more and seniors available ($15, $20 respectively). To purchase tickets, visit www.moistonstage.com or call .