Tag archive for ‘Music’

Caitlin Crosby Holds the Keys to Your Heart
We all began every New Year resolute to do something inspirational and aspirational. However, that’s how Caitlin Crosby spends every day. She makes worthwhile use of her beauty, talents, powerful voice, and compelling music in order to help others in a variety of altruistic ways. The Dalai Lama once said, “When we feel love and […]

True Music: First Love at First Listen
Everyone recalls the first time they fell in love. First love is when you adore someone so much, but you don’t know how to tell that person how you feel. There are days of bliss, accompanied by heart-wrenching moments, pain, and weeping. Truth be told, there are few things as painful getting over a first […]

Jay Nash — A True Troubadour
By Carlos Roberto At the outset of my career as a photographer, almost four year ago, I possessed a camera, enthusiasm, and a great love for music. Admittedly I lacked experience, which resulted in many disappointments and frustrations. However, I persevered and kept knocking on doors and tearing down walls. Then a sunny, blessed day […]

“Face the Music“
Imagine you spend an hour today chopping wood. You exert yourself and break a sweat wielding an ax in order to produce a stack of firewood that will last you for the next week. Now imagine someone walks up to the stack and takes what they want from it, stealing from you as you rest […]

Jimmy Eat World: To Be Young Again
By Greg Smith, Staff Writer Five days after the 20th anniversary of Nirvana’s Nevermind release, Jimmy Eat World played a sold out show at the historic Wiltern in observance of the 10th anniversary of their pop/punk hit Bleed American. Ballsy, sure, considering the album was actually released in July 2001; maybe the 10th anniversary they’re […]

Pearl Jam: Twenty Inspiring Years
By Carlos Roberto If you know me at all, you know how much the band Pearl Jam inspires me; whenever I hear their music, I feel of rush of creativity, and am inspired to aim for greatness. While I realize it’s a tad cliché, the band changed my life. And this inspiration goes beyond the […]

Recovering Alcoholics and Addicts Have Their Own Film Festival
This weekend there is a unique and exciting international film festival in our own back yard. Writers In Treatment and SOBERLINK are presenting the Third Annual REEL Recovery Film Festival on Oct. 14, 15, and 16, at the Beverly Garland Hotel Theater located at 4222 Vineland Ave. in NoHo. Films screen 10 a.m. to midnight. […]

Zedakiah Koterba Performs at Toyota Speedway, His 100th Performance of the National Anthem at a Sporting Event
Thirteen-year-old Zedakiah Koterba from Burbank will sing the national anthem at his 100th major sporting event. Zedakiah “The Heartland Kid” will be singing the national anthem at Toyota Speedway in Irwindale, Calif., on Oct. 15. Zedakiah is a straight-A student who loves God and his country. With such an overwhelming amount of spirit and enthusiasm, […]