“Go to Your Happy Place” in 2014 … at Lucky Puppy Rescue & Retail
By Viollette Doloricon,
Staff Writer

Who Rescued Who?
The minute you stroll up to the front window of Lucky Puppy Rescue & Retail, a burst of warmth and happiness takes over you. Perhaps it’s the adora-ble pups playing in the front pen, or all the humans beaming with smiles, or maybe it’s both? To the point: Lucky Puppy is the first and ONLY of its kind that is a 100% non-profit Rescue Shelter AND Retail Store. Since they opened their doors in December of 2012, they have proudly placed 380 dogs in homes. It’s a remarkable feat, given how many dogs in Los Angeles are in desperate need of a place to call home.
Rachel Kennedy is the hum-ble founder of Lucky Puppy and has been rescuing animals since she was a youth in Minnesota. “It’s in my blood, and I am willing to do whatever it takes to make a dog happy,” Rachel says. She was personally rescuing dogs for 3 years before she came up with the idea of a “humane store,” which is exactly what she has created with her cozy shop in Downtown Studio City. “Our neighbors love us and what we’re doing for the community. It’s a great, joyful place and as a non-profit we thrive from our sur-rounding neighbors: all proceeds directly fund our shelter.”
Lucky Puppy rescues their dogs from the streets (they re-cently recovered a pair of pup-pies from San Diego) and from kill shelters. Rachel is so pas-sionate about the cause that she will take spillover/special needs dogs back to her house so they have a warm place to stay. “We’ve been fortunate to have conducted nearly 400 in-home interviews our first year. We want to make sure all potential par-ents are comfortable bringing home our dogs. We even offer fostering before they commit to adoption. It’s all about synergy, and I sleep better when everyone feels good about the entire pro-cess of meeting their special dog and finally taking him/her home.” The turnaround time of adoption varies, but it can take anywhere from one day to one week.

I Like Big Mutts and I Cannot Lie.
The retail aspect is comprised of high-end goods with only one intention in mind: “We carry any-thing and everything a special puppy should have!” Lucky Puppy also has two play pens and can comfortably house up to 40 dogs. A visit there will find volunteers from all walks of life, helping out in any way they can. And now they plan on expanding to add a grooming salon by February.
They currently have 20 dogs up for adoption, ranging from 2 months to 13 years of age. In-deed, it is a gregarious bunch: “Mama Cass” is a mixed poodle solid in build, a bouncy and happy pup ready to find a nice home. And then there’s “Prince,” a mixed terrier who appears shy at first, but loves to smell the flow-ers and enjoys the outdoors – your typical single guy looking for love!
Lucky Puppy Rescue & Retail is located at 12238 Ventura Blvd. in Studio City. For more in-formation on store hours, availa-ble dogs, and donations, visit luckypuppyrescueandretail.com or call . To see up-to-date adoption info and fun photos, and to get good karma, “Like” Lucky Puppy Rescue & Re-tail on Facebook.
Lucky Puppy will also be host-ing a fundraiser on Sunday, Feb. 23, 2014 at Rockwell’s. Email Nadine Christine at for further in-formation and availability.
Thank You Hamilton Erridge of New Lifestyle Diet for your support.