Sleepy Hollow Is a Head-Rolling, Supernatural Drama on Fox

“Sleepy Hollow.”
This is the crazy premise of the new supernatural hit drama Sleepy Hollow on Fox TV: After being resurrected and pulled two and a half centuries through time, Ichabod Crane (Tom Mison) finds himself in modern-day Sleepy Hollow, where he quickly realizes that evil has awoken with him. When people are killed by the infamous Headless Horseman, Ichabod forms an unlikely bond with Detective Abbie Mills (Nicole Beharie), a young cop who has her own childhood supernatural experiences. Together, the two embark on a mission to stop evil and uncover mysteries dating back to the Revolutionary War.
Captain Frank Irving (Orlando Jones) hesitates to believe Ichabod’s tales of supernatural evil, but as the stories unfold he realizes other worldly forces are at work. Ichabod’s former wife, Katrina (Katia Winter), figures into the plot that provides clues about impending evil that awakens Sleepy Hollow.
Give credit to screenwriters Alex Kurtzman and Roberto Orci (Star Trek, Hawaii Five-0), as co-creators and executive producers, for bringing some fun to the strange fantasy drama that brings Washington Irving’s classic tale into a contemporary setting, and makes it an enjoyable action-adventure.
Airing on Monday nights, Sleepy Hollow has already been picked up for a second season for Fox. Kevin Reilly, chairman of Fox Broadcasting, announced, “The show has proven to be a risk well worth taking. It’s a conceptual blast unlike anything else on television and it all holds together with inventive writing and a fantastic cast. I can’t wait for fans to experience what else is in store for this fall and even more of this wild ride into Season Two.”
Kurtzman said one of the interesting elements of the show is that the Ichabod character “could be this wonderful lens through which we now view our world. This is a man who actually was put to sleep right before the United States came together and theoretically he died fighting for ideals that are now the founding principles of our country. Now he sees what happens when you wake up over 250 years later. He sees what those ideals have become — how they are fulfilling the promise of what they were to be and how are they betraying them? That’s a very interesting thing to look at.”
Talking about his strange character during the Fox TCA interview panel, Tim Mison said, “I’ve always thought of Ichabod as he thinks he’s the only sane person in the room. Everyone around him is a maniac. And then he finds this one girl, Nicole as Detective Abbie Mills, who has a similar secret to him. So they kind of have to bond with each other very quickly. And I think that’s really interesting to follow throughout the season. You see people who are put together out of necessity, and then they start working for a common aim, even though they’re born 250 years apart.”
The supernatural element that the British actor Mison is looking forward to exploring is his character’s quest “to rescue my wife from her purgatorial netherworld, which is something I’ve never done in my career. You know, you’ve got that one aim, but then suddenly there’s the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse trying to get in your way. That’s exciting. I can’t wait to find out how you bring someone back from the afterlife.”
As Abbie, Nicole Beharie explained she has an interesting balance to maintain. “There’s the challenge of accepting pieces of the mystery. How does your character move forward and how much evidence is revealed? How much can you truly believe? There is skepticism, of course, and we have a long way to go. I think that challenge for my character completely pulled me into this project.”
Orlando Jones, known for his Mad TV comedy gig, says he’s interested to see how the rest of the mythology of the Apocalypse unfolds. “It’s not just another procedural. I’m really excited about the mythology of it because I’ve always been that comic book nerd kid. That’s why I’m in love with this experience and all the crazy, supernatural ideas, and dealing with things that go bump in the night.”