Toluca Lake Resident Places in USAIGC National Championships

Emily Joan Collins.
Congratulations go out to ten-year-old Toluca Lake Resident Emily Joan Collins for her success at this past summer’s USAIGC National Championships hosted in Palm Springs, Calif.
This was the first time Emily entered the competition as an all-around competitor. She scored an excellent 9.275 on the Balance Beam, earning her a place in the event finals, which was a remarkable accomplishment for the young athlete. Overall, she placed fifteenth out of over sixty experienced gymnasts in her age division, and ultimately earned her the highest score of the season at this important meet.
Valerie Dawson, head coach of the USAIGC competitive team had this to say:
“Emily truly has a love for the sport and is striving to earn a place at the top of her level. Above all of that, she is humble and cheers on her competitors. She is a true sportsman and an increasingly fierce competitor and I can’t wait to see where the next competitive season and her persistency will take her!”
Emily attends Golden State Gymnastics, a non-profit private gymnastics club in Burbank. She is also a pupil at Laurel Hall School, North Hollywood, and as testament to her incredible gymnastic abilities, this year she added to her physical achievements by becoming a Cheerleader at the school.
The future looks very bright for young Emily, her parents and Grandmother are very proud of her.